Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016


Lt. Col Meena Chacko

Abstract :

 Background: The Schizophrenia is the most chronic disabling of severe mental disorders. It has a profound impact on family members . The stress of tring to cope with schizophrenia can become extremely difficult for the family member who is unaware of the disease condition and management.t. The present study was undertaken to develop information booklet for the family members of schizophrenia patients,based on their identified needs. Method: A descriptive study was conducted in a selected Municipal General Hospitals of Mumbai. The study comprised 50 family members of schizophrenia patients who fulfilled the laid down criteria for sample selection. The technique employed for selection of sample was nonprobability convenience sampling and tool used for data gathering was interview schedule. Results: The maximum care givers were married and most of the care givers were spouses. It was observed that all family members needed information on disease condition as they were facing some or other problem while cå for their patient at home. The need for information was irrespective of age,sex,or educational status of family members. Conclusion: The knowledge deficit existed in all areas of care and high learning need was identified among family members of schizophrenia patient. The booklet developed by the investigator was accepted and appreciated by all family members

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Lt.Col Meena Chacko DEVELOPMENT OF AN INFORMATION BOOKLET FOR FAMILY MEMBERS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA PATIENT International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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