Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Development and Implementation of Productivity Evaluation System: Design Standard Time Ratio

Prof. Varsha Karandikar, Sameer Deshpande, Pratik Deshmukh

Abstract :

Automobile industries involve numerous repetitive activities. To improve their produc-tivity and efficiency different tools of Indus-trial Engineering are applied.However,there has not been a way to compare the efficiency of various methods or facilities on the same scale yet. This paper describes the develop-ment and application of a new productivity evaluation system - DSTR (Design Standard Time Ratio) which has universal application. DSTR is an indication of the productivi-ty of the work station or production unit or plant under study. Lower the value, better the efficiency and utilization of the manpower at that station or production plant. DSTR was applied at different stations in Body Shop in an automobile company and on that basis necessary improvement such as line balancing for effective manpower management, eliminating non-value adding activities, layout/process change for effective floor space utilization etc. were suggested and after verifying decisions were made for applying them at the stations.

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Prof. Varsha karandikar,Sameer Deshpande,Pratik Deshmukh Development and Implementation of Productivity Evaluation System: Design Standard Time Ratio International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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