Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Development and Assessment of Low–Cost, Point–of–Use Prototypes for drinking water purification at household level in rural area

Jadhav A. S. , J. S. Samant

Abstract :

Waterborne diseases are one of the common causes of mortality in developing nations. The potable water status is very poor in case of rural areas, where there is an urgent need of adequate and safe drinking water. Though many water purifying gadgets are available in market, the rural population is deprived of these treatment options, either due to unawareness or poor economic conditions. This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of two different types of low cost water purifying prototypes made of locally available materials. Performance of these prototypes was determined by analysing physicochemical and microbial parameters from pre–treated and treated water. The percentage removal efficiency of contaminants for Prototype I and II when compared, it was Turbidity (57 % and 60%), TS (53% and 61%), TDS (64% and 67%), TSS (60% and 76%), Total Hardness (22% and 51%), Calcium (73% and 82%), Magnesium (33% and 41%), Most Probable Number (76% and 79%), Fecal Coliforms (56% and 62%), Salmonella (24% and 40%) and E.coli (42% and 57%) respectively.Though both the prototypes work on same principle of filtration, Prototype II, which is low cost, simpler and efficient device of water purification on many counts, can be an effective option for purification of potable water at household level in rural area.

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Jadhav A.S., J. S. Samant Development and Assessment of LowCost, Point-of-Use Prototypes For Drinking Water Purification At Household Level in Rural Area International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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