Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Determining and Studying the Factors Affecting the Increase of Environmental Safety in the Design of Residential Complexes

Ma. Mahsa Rahmani, Dr. Mahnazmahmoody Zarandy

Abstract :

Nowadays, housing and establishment of security are the most important factors in creating a satisfying life. Commitment of crimes depend on the structure and characteristics of place, so surrounding environment is one of the most effective factors affecting the establishment of the security. Hence, it should be considered as one of the main priorities of designers in the architecture and design. The overall objective in this research is increasing security; and hypothesis is increasing the monitoring in space faic through the injection of human, for increasing social activities. Therefore, initially we examine theories of prominent theorists in this field, such as: Jane Jacobs, Elizabeth Wood and Et al. then we assume some measures to meet the target. And for further evaluation of their impact, two selected samples of residential complexes are studied. We have comparative analysis of figures obtained from SPSS and finally, introduce the most effective measure in establishing security

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MA.Mahsa Rahmani,Dr.MahnazMahmoody Zarandy Determining and Studying the Factors Affecting the Increase of Environmental Safety in the Design of Residential Complexes International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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