Volume : II, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Determination of Condition Factor (K) Somatic Condition Factor (Ks) Hepatic and Gonado Somatic Indices in The Fresh Water Fish Notopterus Notopterus

Sudarshan. S, R. S Kulkarni

Abstract :

The condition factor (K) of the fish N.notopterus was determined for different phases of the reproductive cycle. The ‘ K ‘ value increased in in preparatory and pre spawning phases, indicating that the overall condition of the fish seems to get improved towards the approach of maturing and mature stage of the gonads during pre spawning phase. The reduction of ‘ K ‘ value in spawning phase may be because of the fish exhausted due to spawning activity. The KS value is also increased during preparatory and pre spawning phase indicate the improvement in the condition of the fish during these phase and is found to be decreased in spawning and post spawning phase. The Ganado Somatic index (GSI) value is slightly increased from preparatory to pre spawning and the maximum decrease is found during spawning and post spawning phase. The Hepato Somatic index (HSI) value was high in preparatory phase and decreased in all other subsequent phases

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Sudarshan.S, R.S Kulkarni / Determination of Condition Factor (K) Somatic Condition Factor (Ks) Hepatic and Gonado Somatic Indices in The Fresh Water Fish Notopterus Notopterus / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.11 November 2013

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