Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Deteriorating Condition of Sacred Groves in Jammu City and its Surroundings, J&K

Krishna Priya, Dr. Sanjay Sharma

Abstract :

Traditional conservation practices of indigenous people such as small forest patches dedicated to local deity, contributed to the conservation and protection of biodiversity. The present study was aimed to examine the threats to the biodiversity of sacred groves of Jammu city. The survey was conducted and information was collected from 60 different sacred sites. The study reveals that these conservation sites face different levels of threats from urbanization, over-exploitation of natural resources, fragmentation, expansion of agriculture, religious tourism, lack of awareness, sanskritization, etc. It is recommended that there is need for awareness generation among youth, ecological education among the common people.

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Krishna Priya, Dr. Sanjay Sharma Deteriorating Condition of Sacred Groves in Jammu City and its Surroundings, J&K International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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