Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Detection of Spammers in Online Social Networks

Fathima Nabeela Ali, Shiju Kumar P. S.

Abstract :

 ?e popularity of Online Social Networks (OSNs) is often faced with challenges of dealing with undesirable users and their malicious activities. One of the common malicious activity is spamming. Spamming is the process of imitating a real user and fraud honest users. ?e main aim of spamming is to spread viruses, launching phishing attack etc. Hence this paper presents three methods for the detection of spammers. ?e first method is based on clustering approach which detects the spammers based on the behavior of the users. ?e detected cluster contains not only spam users but also normal users. ?e second method is based on honeybots which are used to gain the information from the spammers. ?e third method is a community based approach which detects spammers based on its community features. When compared the three papers, the third paper performs better than the other two.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Fathima Nabeela Ali, Shiju Kumar P.S. Detection of Spammers in Online Social Networks International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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