Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Detection of cyclotron frequency ~5mHz in the low mass Xray pulsar 4U 1608522

Mohammed Insaaf, Manish Shrimali, S. K. Sharma, S. N. A. Jaaffrey

Abstract :

 We report the detection of cyclotron frequency at ~5 mHz in ight low mass x–ray binary 4U1608–522 using data from the Rossi x–ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observatory. The observation used in present work were carried for all sky monitoring in TJD 10093 – 15841 (1996 January 06 – 2011 October 06) and for power density spectrum TJD 14467 4:03:30:062 – 14467 4:35:05:062 (2008 January 01 – January 02). During all sky monitoring we observe five major outbursts, first during November 1997, second during August 2002, third during July 2005, fourth during September 2008 and fifth during July 2011. Apart from first outburst, RXTE/ASM show that source was to exhibit outbursts after approximately 3 years. The analysis showed that cyclotron frequency 5 milliHertz was produced by the amount of hot plasma of moles 65.07 – 108.93 i.e. between 3.91 x1025 and 6.55 x 1025 particles falling on the pulsar of unexpected immense magnetic field estimated to be the order of 1.61 – 2.695 x 1010 Tesla using the Chandrasekhar Mass limit 1.39 M? and Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit 1.5 – 2.5 M? respectively.

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Mohammed insaaf, Manish Shrimali, S.K. Sharma, S.N.A. Jaaffrey Detection of cyclotron frequency ~5mHz in the low mass Xray pulsar 4U 1608522 International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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