Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017

Detailed evaluation of patients with Stevens Johnson syndrome with respect to ocular manifestations.

Sheela P. Kerkar, Lisika Gavas

Abstract :

 Stevens Johnson syndrome(SJS) is characterised by mucocutaneous affection with associated opthalmic involvement. We prospectively studied 30 patients of SJS with respect to ocular manifestations and visual outcomes over a period extending over 16 months.Ninety percent of patients had bilateral involvement . Common age of presentation for SJS is 18–30  years. All females while 85% of male patients enrolled had ocular involvement. Redness(60%) was the most common presenting symptom followed by diminution of vision(50%). The most common causative agents were Non–steroidal anti–inflammatory drugs  (26.66 %  ) and anticonvulsants ( 26.66%) . Other features at  presentation includes conjunctival congestion(70%), lid edema(50%) and corneal opacity(26.6%). Lid thickening, conjunctival xerosis, symblepharon, superficial punctate keratitis  and corneal vascularisation were seen in 23.33%. Only 3.33% patients had corneal thinning. At 6 month follow up,36.66% had corneal opacity as well as lid thickening and 30% had corneal vascularisation. There was increased incidence of dry eyes during follow up. It was observed that patients with good best corrected visual outcome  at presentation had better visual outcome. Conclusion: Ocular manifestations occur in high proportion of patients with SJS. Ophthalmic consultation, evaluation and management should be done at the earliest. Early diagnosis and intervention can prevent sight threatening long term sequelae.

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Sheela P. Kerkar, Lisika Gavas, Detailed evaluation of patients with Stevens Johnson syndrome with respect to ocular manifestations., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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