Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Designing a Fitness Tracker

Ms. Mirabel James, Ms. Sanikamhaiskar , Ms. Anaghachaudhary, Ms. Priyasahani, Ms. Harshalitalele, Ms. Nitakamble, Mr. Rajeshpatil

Abstract :

In today’s digital age, the information and data revolving around us all the time is voluminous but important matters such as our personal health are not given its due importance. Accurate data on whether your body is functioning properly is important information we must receive periodically. To be healthier and fitter the knowledge of your own health is of paramount importance. Lots of research was done, which proves that keeping track of what we do and improving on it by suitable healthcare programs and processes can significantly improve our health and wellbeing. Self–tracking can actually make us follow a healthier diet, better  sleep pattern and following a suitable workout / exercise program simply by letting us know the areas we need to improve on. However there is plenty of room for human error in manual recordings. Per contra the Fitness trackers provide this feedback in real time, capturing all the necessary details and then syncing up to deliver a clear picture of your health electronically at the touch of a finger. Several sensors are configured to be attached to a person‘s torso which will help in measuring a battery of bodily parameters.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Ms.Mirabel James, Ms.SanikaMhaiskar�, Ms.AnaghaChaudhary, Ms.PriyaSahani, Ms.HarshaliTalele, Ms.NitaKamble, Mr.RajeshPatil Designing a Fitness Tracker International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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