Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Design of Pneumatic Operated Drill Jig for Cylindrical Component

A. Sivasubramanian, K. Syed Abuthahir, Arshad Basha, R. Deepak Kumar, B. Arun Kumar, Karthick. S

Abstract :

The growth of Manufacturing industry and its need for increased productivity is greatly enhanced by the nature of the industry, their possible work culture and most important thing is the use of improvised techniques and systems. The concept of increased productivity, reduced lead time, high quality and precision can be achieved by making some improvisation in available systems and techniques. In this paper we would deal with a design of pneumatic operated drill jig which can be universally used for a specific drill size. We have designed the jig especially for cylindrical components which involves drilling of hole of size 6mm and 12mm diameter. This design would greatly help in increased productivity of jobs in mass production.  

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A.Sivasubramanian, K. Syed Abuthahir, Arshad Basha, R. Deepak Kumar, B. Arun kumar, Karthick.S Design of Pneumatic Operated Drill Jig for Cylindrical Component International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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