Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Design of high reflectivity Birefringent multilayers laser mirrors

Haider Y. Hammod, Farah G. Khalid, Noor L . Husain

Abstract :

In present research we used open filter software program with Matlap asa complete program to study influence of incident light angle with surface reflectivity and relationship withiefringent.When the wavelength equal to 1500 nm and thirty reflective layers. Finally we can get the maximum reflectivity when the optical thickness of coating layers equal to quarter wave length.

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Haider Y. Hammod, Farah G. Khalid, Noor L .Husain Design of High Reflectivity Birefringent Multilayers Laser Mirrors International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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