Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Design of Automatic Headlight Dimmer Prototype

Keerthitharan. P, Jagadeeshwaran. E, Sheik Abdullah. J, Vignesh. P, Sanjeev Raj Thiajarajan. C

Abstract :

Headlights of vehicles pose a great danger during night driving. The drivers of most vehicles use high, ight beam while driving at night. This causes a discomfort to the person travelling from the opposite direction. He experiences a sudden glare for a short period of time. This is caused due to the high intense headlight beam from the other vehicle coming towards him from the opposite direction. We are expected to dim the headlight to avoid this glare. This glare causes a temporary blindness to a person resulting in road accidents during the night. To avoid such incidents, we have faicated a prototype of automatic headlight dimmer. This automatically switches the high beam into low beam thus reducing the glare effect by sensing the approaching vehicle. It also eliminates the requirement of manual switching by the driver which is not done at all times. The construction, working and the advantages of this prototype model is discussed in detail in this paper.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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KEERTHITHARAN.P,JAGADEESHWARAN.E, SHEIK ABDULLAH.J, VIGNESH.P, SANJEEV RAJ THIAJARAJAN.C Design of Automatic Headlight Dimmer Prototype International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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