Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Design Aspects Of Cylindrical Cryogeic Storage Vessel

Jadav Rajeshbhai V, Mayank I. Vyas

Abstract :

This paper represents of the design aspects of cryogenic dewar vessel for liquid nitrogen. Design making process is applicable to entire field of engineering design. Storage vessels are closed containers used to store cryogen at desirable condition of pressure and temperature. Cryogenic storage vessels are pressure vessels are used for storage cryogenic liquids with minimum heat in–leak into the vessel from the outside as far as possible. The challenge of design is to use such materials that do not lose their desirable properties at such a low temperature.

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Jadav Rajeshbhai V, Mayank I. Vyas Design Aspects Of Cylindrical Cryogeic Storage Vessel International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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