Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Design and Fabrication of Angular Plate Jig

M. Jagadish, S. Bakkiyaraj, Kharmugilan, Palani Vinod, Prasanth, A. Sivasubramanian, Dr. G. Arunkumar

Abstract :

Our paper is based on the need for the work holding devices during manufacturing processes. This design and faication which will enable the operation like drilling, reaming, tapping process easier. The need for such devices would greatly enhance the ability of the production unit to meet the requirement of the market and higher rate. Our paper is mainly composed of design and faication of the Angular Plate jig which cover the absolute design to the specified dimensions of the work piece and would make the production process easier. This jig is economical means to produce. Our paper is based on the need for the work holding devices during manufacturing processes. This design and faication which will enable the operation like drilling, reaming, tapping process easier. The need for such devices would greatly enhance the ability of the production unit to meet the requirement of the market and higher rate. Our paper is mainly composed of design and faication of the Angular Plate jig which cover the absolute design to the specified dimensions of the work piece and would make the production process easier. This jig is economical means to produce.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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M.Jagadish,S.Bakkiyaraj,Kharmugilan,Palani Vinod,Prasanth,A.Sivasubramanian,Dr.G.Arunkumar Design and Fabrication of Angular Plate Jig International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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