Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Design and development of Low Noise Amplifier for RF/MW Receiver

Aniket P. Joshi, Dr. S. P. Mahajan, Dr. B. C. Joshi

Abstract :

LNA design is a crucial thing and challenging task at the receiver since received signal will always be weaker in amplitude and corrupted by noise in wireless communications. It should provide low noise figure not only at one frequency but over range of frequencies or bandwidth of interest. Also requirements of minimum noise figure and maximum gain will always be design trade-offs and can’t be met simultaneously. We need an optimization and fine tuning of component values to get the optimum results. For radio astronomy applications, it’s desirable to have wider bandwidth, low noise figure and good gain. Sometimes we need to sacrifice gain for bandwidth. High electron mobility transistor (HEMT) plays a crucial role and is extensively used in ultra low noise amplifiers. We have designed two stage LNA at the centre frequency of 1.5GHz and achieved bandwidth of around 1.2GHz while maintaining noise figure of 0.54 dB, unconditional stability and gain of 25dB using AWR Microwave Office software.

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Aniket P. Joshi, Dr. S. P. Mahajan, Dr. B. C. Joshi Design and development of Low Noise Amplifier for RF/MW Receiver International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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