Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Design and Construction of a Cost Effective Precision Prototype Portable Spirometer

Dr. Mohsen Ahmadi, Faezeh Sadat Mousavi

Abstract :

Spirometery is the most essential part of any pulmonary function study and provides the most information. In spirometery, a device called spirometer is used to measure certain dynamic lung volumes. These volumes are determinants of some respiratory diseases. The two most important dynamic volumes measured are Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second (FEV1) of expiration [1]. The aim of this work is to design and develop a cost effective, user–friendly spirometer that uses sophisticated technology and measures the dynamic volumes with precision. It is robust and portable, yet, one can manufacture it easily. The device is programmable and can incorporate new trends and ideas in spirometry with little effort. People in less affluent countries can benefit from this technology immensely

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Dr. Mohsen Ahmadi, Faezeh Sadat Mousavi Design And Construction of a Cost Effective Precision Prototype Portable Spirometer International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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