Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Design and Analysis of A Cement Mortar Lining Machineshaft Hub and Corresponding Bolts

M Sreelekha, S Praveen Kumar, Sreenivasulubejawada

Abstract :

For modern water supply systems ductile Iron pipe has been introduced for industry standards. Ductile iron pipe is used from more than four decades because it is as been proved with good field experience by international standard and it can resist damage of high weå, high strength, impact loads and corrosion.  When shaft rotates at high–speeds continuously, stress builds in tires causing sheå of bolts, connecting rim to the shaft hub. Friction between tire and pipe generates heat which may blow up the tireto avoid this problem by using water as coolant. The corrosion takes places in shaft hub corresponding bolts because of water used as coolant. Production losses occur due to frequently eakdowns of shaft hub and corresponding bolts. Present work mainly focused on the methods of improving the design of the shaft hub and bolts, to overcome the above problem by using ansys software

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M Sreelekha, S Praveen kumar, Sreenivasulubejawada Design and Analysis of A Cement Mortar Lining Machineshaft Hub and Corresponding Bolts International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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