Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2020

Dermatofibroma of the Forehead - A Rare Case Report

Centina Rose John, Surya Rao Rao Venkata Mahipathy, Praveen Ganesh Natarajan, Alagar Raja Durairaj, Narayanamurthy Sundaramurthy, Muthuvel Esakki, Anand Prasath Jayachandiran, James Solomon Jesudasan

Abstract :

Dermatofioma (DF) with its histopathological variants often presented in extremities and rarely observed in face. The authors reporting case of dermatofioma in 49 year old lady presented with asymptomatic nodule on the forehead without any inciting event. Surgical excision was carried and on histopathologic evaluation, classical type of dermatofioma pertaining to dermis was confirmed. The differentiation of various histopathological variants of DF is necessary for the prognosis of the lesion as well as understanding the probability of recurrences and metastasis.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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DERMATOFIBROMA OF THE FOREHEAD - A RARE CASE REPORT, Centina Rose John, Surya Rao Rao Venkata Mahipathy, Praveen Ganesh Natarajan, Alagar Raja Durairaj, Narayanamurthy Sundaramurthy, Muthuvel Esakki, Anand Prasath Jayachandiran, James Solomon Jesudasan INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2020

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