Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Demographic profile of HIV seropositive patients with Tuberculosis: A study from SVRR GG Hospital, Tirupathi.

Dr Ch. Bujjaiah, Dr G. Shobha Rani

Abstract :

Background: To study the relative frequency of Tuberculosis among HIV Seropositive patients attending ART centre, SVRR GG Hospital, Tirupathi.

 Objective : To study the clinicosocial – demographic profile of HIV seropositive patients with Tuberculosis  like Age, Sex, Occupation, income, educational status which helps for proper planning and training og heath care personnel.

Methods: It is a retrospective hospital based observational study done on  patients attending ART centre, SVRRGG Hospital, Tirupathi and patients in Medical wards and TBCD wards who are HIV seropositive .  Variables like age, sex, marital status, place of residence, pattern of risk behavior and HIV serostatus were studied.

Results: A total of 168 patients were enrolled in the study, Out of 168 patients, 74 (44%) were determined to be infected with TB.Number of male patients 49(66.2%) attending ART center were significantly more compared to females25 (33.8%).The maximum number (52.7%) of patients fell   in the age group 31–40. 47 (63.5%) were laborers, 10 (13.5%), were House wife, 6 (8.1%) were petty business, 6 (8.1%) were employees and5 (6.8%) were cultivators. Majority of the patients (80.4%) were married. most common mode of transmission was hetero sexual in nature (89%).  Most of them were in  low income 62 (83.8%) group. Patients from   Rural area were55(74.3%)and Urban area were 19 (25.7%).      Conclusions: HAART  has improved the life expectancy  and there is increase  in number of people living with HIV. Demographic studies should be  conducted to understand the role of demographic factors  which  help in  effective implementation of  the NACP (National AIDS Control Program) program. Increased emphasis is needed to evaluate   changing trends  in patients with HIV to plan for the future.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Ch. Bujjaiah, Dr G.Shobha rani, Demographic profile of HIV seropositive patients with Tuberculosis: A study from SVRR GG Hospital, Tirupathi., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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