Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Demographic Profile and Risk Factors of Ocular Morbidity in School Children of South India

Shrishailesh. D. Mantur, Nagendra Gowda. M. R, Kotresh. M

Abstract :

Aim: School eye health services is one of the important aspect of school health services in which children can be screened for various systemic and eye diseases. Eye diseases in childhood are important causes of medical consultation and it affects learning ability, adjustment in school and personality. Any information on eye diseases in school children in south India is rare and sketchy. The basic aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, pattern and risk factor of ocular morbidity amongst school children of south India and to recognize avoidable causes of ocular morbidity. Method: This is the cross sectional school survey was conducted in various government and private schools of rural and urban areas of Chitradurga district between July–2013 to Dec–2013. A total of 2945 school children between age group 5 to 16 years had under gone the complete ocular and physical examination. Statistical analysis: Distribution of association was analyzed by Chi–square test. Variables that were significant on univariate analysis were entered in a multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: 2945 children were screened and 755 (25.6%) children had ocular morbidity, out of 755 children 28% (N=254) had refractive error, which found to be the commonest cause of defective vision followed by vitamin A deficiency comprises 14% (N=126) and conjunctivitis 12% (N= 114). In this study we found that Age (11–16years), Place (rural), School (government), Religion (Hindu) and Gender (male) where independent risk factor of ocular morbidity in school going children. Conclusion: Present study highlights important risk factors of ocular morbidity in school going children. Refractory error was commonest form of ocular morbidity.

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Shrishailesh. D. Mantur, Nagendra Gowda. M.R, Kotresh. M Demographic Profile and Risk Factors of Ocular Morbidity in School Children of South India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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