Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013


Dr. P. P. S. Paul Kumar

Abstract :

Individuals living in country ranges are regularly discerned to be more animated than those living in metropolitan regions, because of the physical nature of work, for example farming, ranger service and angling. On the other hand, diminished access to and accessibility of donning and open transport offices in rustic regions may make obstructions to individuals taking part in recreational physical movement. The dynamic nature of an individual\'s work might additionally have an impact on what amount of physical movement they do outside of work. Household wage and level of drawback may likewise impact an individual\'s level of physical movement. There is a relationship between easier socio-budgetary status and lessened investment in physical action, which may be expected to some degree, for instance, to restricted fiscal assets, more amazing kid minding obligations, larger amounts of inability, more elevated amounts of mental trouble, or extend periods of time in manual work, all of which influence individuals\' ability for participation. People who have subordinate youngsters might have less time accessible to take part in physical movement because of their family responsibilities.

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Dr. P. P. S. Paul Kumar DEMOGRAPHIC AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS AFFECTING SPORTS IN ANDHRA PRADESH International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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