Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Demographic and clinical profile of Persons with Epilepsy (PWE) from a tertiary care center

Dr. Abhay Ranjan, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr. Neetusinha, Dr. Sushil Kumar

Abstract :

Introduction:Epilepsy is a common neurological condition, coming to neurology outpatient department in hospitals.There is no study in literature from this part of country reviewing its demographic and clinical profile.

Objectives and Methodology:–Aim of this study is to determine the demographic and clinical profile of persons with epilepsy, attending neurology outpatient department in a tertiary care teaching hospital.Their demographic and clinical parameters, age, gender, rural/urban distribution, socioeconomic status, etiology, imaging and electroencephalography were recorded.

Result:154 patients with epilepsy were enrolled prospectively. 76% of them were male, with a male to female ratio of 3:1. The median age was 18 years (range– 1–79 years). 68.2% (n=105), belonged to rural area and 53.9% were of low socioeconomic status. 51.9% (n=80) had generalized seizures, followed by focal with secondary generalization seizure in 39% (n=60).Neurocysticercosis (n=44, 28.6%) was the commonest cause followed by birth asphyxia (n=10, 6.5%) and cereovasculardisease 5.2%(n=8). Granuloma (ring enhancing lesion) was the most common finding n= 39 (54.9%), CVA n=5 and gliosis in 13 cases .Generalized spike and slow wave discharges were the most common finding in 60%.

Conclusion:Majority of person with epilepsy belonged to rural population and Neurocysticercosiswas most common etiology in them.

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Dr. Abhay Ranjan, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr.NeetuSinha, Dr. Sushil Kumar, Demographic and clinical profile of Persons with Epilepsy (PWE) from a tertiary care center, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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