Volume : II, Issue : III, March - 2013

Declining Child Sex Ratio in Andhra Pradesh– a Study

T. Sankaraiah, Dr. T. Chandrasekarayya

Abstract :

The sex composition by age group especially the 0–6 years is vital for studying the demographic trends of child population. Though, the overall sex ratio has improved to 940 as compared to 933 in 2001, the child (0–6 years) sex ratio, i.e. the number of girl children per 1,000 male children has shown an unabated decline since 1961. It has declined from 927 in 2001 to 914 in 2011. The decreasing child sex ratio will have a cascading effect on population over a period of time leading to diminishing sex ratio in the state. The present paper examines the situation child sex ration in Andhra Pradesh based on census data

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T. Sankaraiah, Dr.T. Chandrasekarayya Declining Child Sex Ratio in Andhra Pradesh- a Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.III March 2013

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