Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Dataplexed Network Attached Storage System

Praveen Vijai, Minnu Meria, Midhu Babu

Abstract :

This paper proposes a system which aims to resolve the problems associated with traditional client/server systems, namely the high performance requirements, and costly maintenance of the computing resources. With the traditional model, information’s are stored on servers and downloaded to clients as required, where they are then accessed locally. After updation, the information’s are saved back to the centralized. However information’s stored in a centralized system are dependent on an OS and a native file. Centralized storage always harbors a possible risk of total loss of data due to system hang–ups & disk crashes. Having to know the specific information like IP address of a system or having to create localized user accounts on each peer system to access shared resources in existing system is also pretty discouraging. We propose Dataplexed NAS System [Dataplexed Network Attached Storage System], a cross–platform distributed file system, which provides strong security and client/server heterogeneity both at hardware and operating system level.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Praveen Vijai, Minnu Meria, Midhu Babu Dataplexed Network Attached Storage System International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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