Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Data Security Using Lightweight Techniques in Mobile Cloud Computing

Mrs Seema Hadke, Nehal Jain, Kanika Dhir, Purva Kale, Revati Karpe

Abstract :

 With the explosion of mobile applications and the support of Cloud Computing for a variety of services for  mobile users, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is introduced as an integration of cloud computing into the mobile environment. Mobile cloud computing ings new types of services and facilities for mobile users to take full advantages of cloud  computing. It consists of front–end users who possess mobile devices and back end cloud servers. Here we have proposed two schemes  for protecting the confidentiality and integrity of mobile data while uploading and downloading files to and from cloud respectively  with backup facility of files. Here we have used two algorithms for the same. The Encryption based Scheme (EnS) tackles the situation  where only one cloud server exists using AES technique for encryption. We proved that it guarantees the security goal and is the necessary condition for this situation. The Shå based Scheme (ShS) allow a user to save data on multiple cloud also it further decrease  the computation overhead by relying exclusive–or operations with cipher technique. All proposed schemes are resilient to the storage  compromise on mobile devices, and all assume that the cloud servers are distrusted. Thus, they provide a stronger protection for more  general and realistic application scenarios compå with the previous work.

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Mrs Seema Hadke, Nehal Jain, Kanika Dhir, Purva Kale, Revati Karpe Data Security Using Lightweight Techniques in Mobile Cloud Computing International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 5 MAY 2014

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