Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

Data Security and Protection in Cloud Computing

Shameena Begum, V. Ratna Vasuki, K. V. V. Srinivas

Abstract :

Cloud Computing is compelling, it is a rapidly growing trend in IT, and it is forcing significant advances in supporting technologies. The cloud model allows greater scalability and the change from a capital-heavy model of IT spending toward an operating model that is subscription-based ings new opportunities for a oader set of users and tenants to place larger bets with lower risk. Cloud computing allows providers to develop, deploy and run applications that can easily grow in capacity (scalability), work rapidly (performance), and never (or at least rarely) fail (reliability), without any concerns on the properties and the locations of the underlying infrastructures. The penalties of obtaining these properties of Cloud Computing are to store individual private data on the other side of the Internet and get service from Cloud providers and consequently result in security and privacy issues. The primary concerns for cloud security are around cloud infrastructure, software platform and user data. When a cloud is implemented with appropriate security, there cloud security could be equal to or exceed traditional IT implementations. This paper deals with the data security in cloud computing with appropriate methods and approaches.

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Shameena Begum, V.Ratna Vasuki, K.V.V.Srinivas Data Security and Protection in Cloud Computing International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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