Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015


Mr. Shwetal I. Anand

Abstract :

 This paper deals with a method of design of d.c. submersible motor. According to design prototype model is made  and it is tested in laboratory, then experimental results are show. In India, there are many villages where lots of underground water resources available even though they face water crises problems because of  non availability of conventional a.c. power. There are also some villages where continuous power not available all the time. For these villages  we can run D.C. submersible motor using solar energy with batteries back up (12 v).  Unfortunately not in Gujarat but also in India, there is no specific research and development work done in D.C. submersible motor. At present  time, Permanent spilt capacitor run motor (Single Phase) is required electrical power for irrigation and drinking water purpose but no other  means by which underground water at depth can be tapped.

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Mr. Shwetal I. Anand D.C. SUBMERSIBLE MOTOR WITH EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FOR REMOTE AREA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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