Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Cytoloagical Diagnosis of Chordoma: A rare case

Anu Gupta, Subhash Bhardwaj

Abstract :

 Chordoma is a rare slowly growing malignant tumor arising from notochord remnants . It is diagnosed in just 1 in 1 million people per year with a male dominance M:F =2:1 and accounts for 1–4 percent of all bone tumors and 20 percent of primary spinal tumors.They are the most common tumor of sacrum and cervical spine, commonly seen in 5th and 6th decades but can occur in all ages .Chordoma has a relatively indolent ,protracted course ,often with multiple recurrences . Metastasis occurs in a minority of cases. We report a case of 51 years old male presenting with large gluteal swelling diagnosed as chordoma on FNAC and later confirmed on histopathology .

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Anu Gupta, Subhash Bhardwaj, Cytoloagical Diagnosis of Chordoma: A rare case, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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