Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Cystobiliary fistula with fat fluid level in hydatid cyst of the liver: A case report

Dr. Vinay H G, Dr. Nagesh N S, Dr. Ashok Kumar K V

Abstract :

 Echinococcal disease can develop anywhere in the human body, liver being its most frequent location. Hepatic hydatid cysts may rupture into the biliary tract, thorax, peritoneum, viscera, digestive tract or skin. Hence the diagnosis of liver hydatidosis should be fast to avoid relevant complications that may arise. US, CT and MRI are the most useful pre–operative imaging that help in diagnosis of a hydatid cyst. They allow thorough knowledge regarding size, location, relations to intrahepatic vascular and biliary structures. Though various signs and findings on imaging are popularly used, presence of fat–fluid level suggesting biliary communication is rarely found. We report a rare case with rupture of biliary radicle into a hydatid cyst in a man with hydatid disease diagnosed on the basis of fat–fluid level in the CT imaging. The increased intra–luminal pressure in the biliary tree caused the rupture into the adjacent hydatid cyst. The creation of the fistula between the biliary radicals and the hydatid cyst decompressed the biliary tree, decreased the bilirubin levels and resolution of the obstructive jaundice

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Dr. Vinay H G, Dr. Nagesh N S, Dr. Ashok Kumar K V, Cystobiliary fistula with fat fluid level in hydatid cyst of the liver: A case report, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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