Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016


Dr Ramlingam, Drkarthik, Dr Jayanth L

Abstract :

 Although cystic hygroma is well recognized in pediatric practice, it seldom presents de novo in adulthood. Cystic hygroma is very rare in adults but it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of neck swelling. Patients presenting with a painless, soft, enlarging neck mass should have a careful history and physical examination along with the appropriate radiological imaging to assist the diagnosis with deeper extensions. Surgical intervention is the treatment of choice for this rare condition. Very few cases of cystic hygroma have been reported in adults. Here we are reporting a case of cystic hygroma in a 18–year–old female patient.

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Dr Ramlingam, Drkarthik, Dr Jayanth L CYSTIC HYGROMA(HYDROCELE OF NECK) International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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