Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Customer Satisfaction and Preference of Colour T.V Brands – An Empirical Study in Bangalore City

Dr. H. S Adithya

Abstract :

In the new era of technological advancement, the T.V manufacturing companies are introducing various new features in their ands Today, a bundle of ands are available with several options such as lower price, higher quality, better performance and world-class services along with power efficiency, digital functions, etc. These companies come with various attractive promotional schemes with added features to their T.V sets. All these put pressure on the ordinary customers and make it a complex and confusing decision as to what to purchase and how to purchase. It is quite clear to understand that the generation of information plays a very crucial role in the formulation of marketing strategies and it provides a link between the customers and the organisation. This is mainly because of the fact that contemporary T.V market is a complex buyers’ market. The present study aims at ascertaining the television customer’s preference over the various counts of the T.V ands they use. This study also throws light on the customer’s purchase behavior with respect to Colour Television ands in Bangalore City.

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Dr. H. S ADITHYA Customer Satisfaction and Preference of Colour T.V Brands – An Empirical Study in Bangalore City International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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