Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016


Dr. M. Ramya

Abstract :

The story of Indian spices dates back to 7,000 years in to the past. It is chequered history of lands, discovered or destroyed, kingdoms built or ought down, wars own or lost, treaties signed or flouted, favours sought or offered. Today Indian spices hold the same spell. Within the past one decade the international trade in spices has grown by leaps and bounds. An estimated 500,000 tonnes of spices and herbs valued at 1,500 million US dollars are now imported globally every year. An impressive 46% of this supply comes from India. India’s exports of spice extracts have shown spectacular growth attaining over 50 percent of the global market within a short span. Over the past decade, the Indian spices industry has made quality the cutting edge of its global game plan. In recent years, export of Indian Spices has been taking giant leaps. The Indian export of spices has crossed the 450 million US dollar mark during 1999–2000 and has reached 468 million US dollar. This remarkable achievement is born of a sea change in the industry scenario. From traditional commodity exports, Indian Spices have evolved into a state–of–the–art industry. Absorbing technology, oad basing its products range, developing value added products, identifying niche markets, forging strategic alliances clinching global collaboration and joint ventures. The spices Board India (Ministry of Commerce, Government of India) is the apex body for the export promotion of Indian Spices. Established in 1987, the Board is the catalyst of these dramatic transitions. The Board has been with the Indian Spice industry every step of the way. The Board plays a far reaching and influential role as a developmental, regulatory and promotional agency for Indian Spices.

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Dr.M.Ramya Customer¥s Attitude Towards ‘Sakthi Masala¥ in Erode District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 1 January 2016

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