Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Curve of Spee – Reality Or Myth? .Its Applications in Orthodontics"

Dr Yatishkumar Joshi, Dr Khushbu D Agrawal, Dr Abhishek Nagraj, Dr Manasi Sonawane, Dr Abhidnya Madansure

Abstract :

 Introduction: The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the Curve of Spee in normal occlusion using an innovative device, Monson Sphere analyser (MSA) and conventional method. Materials and method: 100 patients, both males and females in the age range of 14–18 years were selected for the study. The inclusion criteria was presence of permanent dentition, skeletal Class I malocclusion, normal occlusion with minimal discrepancy, no signs of temporomandibular joint problem. The curve of spee was measured using conventional method and MSA on each lower cast. The cast was checked if the cusp tips of canines, premolars and molars touches the MSA as dictated by the Monson sphere theory. The difference in the depth of Curve of Spee as measured by the two methods was compared. Results: The MSA was found to coincide in 50 samples with a standard deviation of 0.44mm and mean curve of spee 1.22mm. In the remaining 50 samples with a standard deviation of 0.75mm and mean curve of spee 1.55mm it did not coincide.  A significant difference (p value of 0.008) was found between the coinciding and non–coinciding groups of MSA. Conclusion: Curve of Spee exists in normal malocclusion in regional Indian population as dictated by the Monson’s Spherical theory of Occlusion. Monson Sphere analyzer can be used effectively and efficiently for measuring the curve of Spee in various malocclusions.

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Dr Yatishkumar Joshi, Dr Khushbu D Agrawal, Dr Abhishek Nagraj, Dr Manasi Sonawane, Dr Abhidnya Madansure, Curve of Spee – Reality Or Myth? .Its Applications in Orthodontics", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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