Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Cultural Disability in Nigerian Society

Michael Eskay, Joshua, E. Umeifekwem, Kay C. Onyechi

Abstract :

The concept of Cultural disability has been investigated from various cultural perspectives across the globe. The authors explored how services and how specific support networks have been provided to people with disability in Nigerian Society. Both developed and developing societies have had to deal with unique challenges in monitoring services for people with disability regardless of the geographical location; financial resources, accountability, and adequate staffing are primary problems to the delivery of services to the disabled. Prospects and challenges facing people with disability make for policy reforms and advancements in special education in Nigerian Society

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Michael Eskay, Joshua, E. Umeifekwem,Kay C. Onyechi Cultural Disability in Nigerian Society International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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