Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Cryogenic Carbon Capture and Sequestration to Control Climate Change Effects

Vimlesh C Ajbani

Abstract :

 Carbon dioxide gas is well known greenhouse gas and can be captured to prevent polluting the atmosphere by various technologies like memane separation, absorption, air separation units and cryogenic capture. Apart from other technologies Cryogenic Capture is very effective and userfriendly for carbon dioxide capture and its sequestration. Cryogenic Carbon Capture technique can be apllied to major sources emmiting carbon dioxide like thermal power plant and natural gas production which are discussed here. Low cryogenic temperature facilitates pressurization of carbon dioxide to store in earth crust or in deep seat to enhance oil and gas recovery.

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Vimlesh C Ajbani, Cryogenic Carbon Capture and Sequestration to Control Climate Change Effects, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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