Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Cross Sectional Study: Assessing Knowledge Regarding Nutrition,Their Eating Habits and Confidence of Interns & Postgraduates in Formulating Diet of Patients in B.j.medical College, Ahmedabad

Dr. Swarna Rastogi

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION: Nutrition is an important component in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Despite the acknowledged importance of nutrition, there is evidence to indicate that the nutrition training of medical students is inadequate in both quality and quantity. Material and methods: A cross sectional study done by using a pretested and predesigned questionnaire with multiple choice options from sep 2013 to dec2013 among 98 interns and 72 post–graduate residents of medicine department, community–medicine & surgery department of B.J.Medical College, Ahmedabad. Result: 77.8% of postgraduates have healthy eating habits compared to 85.7% of interns. 66.7% of postgraduates have more knowledge compared to 46.9% of interns.84.7% of postgraduates are confident in diet assessment of patients compared to 24% of interns. Knowledge for dietary assessment of pregnant and lactating woman is higher in both groups(26–66%)compared to post–operative patient(8–28%).75% of postgraduates say that medical curriculum for nutrition is sufficient, p= 0.0012(S) .55–58% were of opinion to train the faculty for nutrition followed by having separate department for nutrition(36–43%).

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Dr. SWARNA RASTOGI Cross Sectional Study: Assessing Knowledge Regarding Nutrition,Their Eating Habits and Confidence of Interns & Postgraduates in Formulating Diet of Patients in B.j.medical College, Ahmedabad International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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