Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

CRM in the Banking Industry

A. Sharmila

Abstract :

A number of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementations has grown dramatically in recent years. However, few academic studies of the issues associated with the implementation of the concept are available. In this paper, the author offers a modest contribution through the analysis of various bank’s CRM model, implementation and strategic issues. The study also highlights that implementing CRM requires effective leadership, sourcing, targeting and evaluation strategies. The required provision of information is searched through personal contacts with bank specialized staff. The primary criterion for bank selection is the existing cooperation with the bank, while recommendations by okers, real estate contractors and lawyers are taken into consideration. Younger people are more well-disposed towards receiving financing for primary residence and land, while women are more positive towards buying land. Employees and existing clients, mainly higher education graduates, could be easily approached through direct mail techniques. Informational ochures could contain reference on the advantages of investing in real estate and the possibilities offered on financing for purchasing secondary residence.

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A. SHARMILA CRM in the Banking Industry International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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