Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr. Amit Chandrakant Dhaneshwar

Abstract :

Once a cash cow institutes, self financing technical education colleges have struggled to overcome criticism of their worth. They have become Achilles heel in the public debate about value of technical education. The problem and criticism leveled against technical education are numerous. While taking stock of Technical Education, all eyes are focused on vacant seats. The current situation is outcome of past and the future depends upon present efforts in the circumstances the need is to prepare for challenges or anticipate failures. Of all the educational fields, it is one that has been studied the least. In the eyes of academics and governments, it is of less importance than, say, the school system, teacher training and higher education. As viable technical education programs are critical to prepare well educated and skilled workforce, the present paper critically examines the current crisis and suggest reviving the paralyzed system with a fresh approach.

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Dr. Amit Chandrakant Dhaneshwar Critical Review of Self Financing Engineering Education‾Crisis as Opportunity International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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