Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Creating Awareness on Occupational Health and Safety among Workers Employed in Garment Industries

D. S. Padmini, A. Venmathi

Abstract :

Awareness of the need to implement, maintain and improve a system of occupational health and safety (OHS) management has been initiated among workers employed in garment industries located in Tirupur, India. The awareness programme consisted of two parts. In the first part, public meeting was conducted in collaboration with NonGovernmental Organization (NGO - involving experts in various fields of occupational health) twice in two consecutive years to create awareness for garment workers as well as public. In the second part, awareness programme for workers was organized in selected five garment industries by the investigator using developed course content with the help of resource persons specialized in labour laws, physiotherapy, pulmonology, nutrition, yoga and field publicity. Different mass media were used in the awareness programme. The impact of the programme was evaluated using a checklist which was administered before and after the programme. The analysis of the checklist revealed that 80 per cent of the participants gained knowledge from awareness programme. Hence, there was a signifcant improvement in the knowledge of the workers after the awareness programme.

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D. S. Padmini, A. Venmathi Creating Awareness on Occupational Health and Safety among Workers Employed in Garment Industries International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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