Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Cradle to Cradle Design of Operations

P. R. Natarajan, Rajshree Nancy R. N

Abstract :

Currently the business establishments are designing and developing the products to serve its life-time only. This has led to the vast pollution in the atmosphere. The solution could be to design the product after its lifetime also which means the product can take re-birth in the form of some other product. The current design is cradle to grave. The need of the hour is cradle to cradle design and development of products. The various aspects of such designs are follows: Develop cradle to cradle solutions. Material and product platform. Cradle to cradle design paradigm. Opportunities for companies to change the focus only on product quality. Cradle to cradle business strategy

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P.R.Natarajan, Rajshree Nancy R.N Cradle to Cradle Design of Operations International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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