Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Counselling for Patients in Rajapalayam Government Hospital

S. Rajendran, R. Ramachandran

Abstract :

 The Tamil Nadu Health System Project (TNHSP) developed a clinical guide entitled “Handbook for Counselors  2010”, With an objective to provide evidence–based recommendations to guide management of women during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and post–abortion periods, and newborns during the first week of life, including management of endemic  diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB and anaemia. The present study was undertaken in Rajapalayam Government Hospital (GH) in Virudhunagar district and based on secondary data. The study in counselling to Antenatal Mothers, Postnatal Mothers and Family Welfare,  covering a period from April 2008 to December 2008. The total no of people counseled on availability of services, availability of investigations,  doctors notes, drug consumption, antenatal mothers, postnatal mothers, in patient, family welfare, group meetings and other general guidance by counsellors was 17,575 patients (beneficiary) from April 2008 to December 2008. Per day the patients counseling cost was ` 491. TNHSP spends ` 14730 per month and ` 8 per patient for counselling. The patients stoped their visit to private hospital, after counselling  (availabilities of services) of counsellors in the GH. It is reducing medical cost of the patients. The counsellors are satisfied in the counselling of  the patients that stop their pregnancy after birth of two children and male child is not important but child is very important. It shows that not  only the expenditure is declining but also the health awareness and counseling have helped the patients to aware and understand the health  care practices. This is observed more in the care of female patients. Counselling for mental health related issues need immediate attention to  project and keep improve the human health and development for overall economic development. 

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S.Rajendran, R.Ramachandran Counselling for Patients in Rajapalayam Government Hospital International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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