Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Cost Management in Sugar Industry

Dr. B Vijaya, Sangashetty Kanteppa Shetkar

Abstract :

The basic aim of any organization is to maximize the profit so we have two options, one is increasing the sales and another one is decreasing the cost of product. Here cut down the expenditure and reduce the cost of production and the cost reduction is real and permanent reeducation in unit cost without reducing quality. The basic object of this paper is what is the best way the cost of sugar production per unit can be controlled and reduced. To find out present cost management loop wholes in sugar industry and give suitable suggestion to overcome those hurdles with The collected information and tabulated by using simple calculations and presented result by using graphs and tables.

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Dr. B Vijaya, Sangashetty Kanteppa Shetkar Cost Management in Sugar Industry International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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