Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Cost benefit analysis and yield performance of agricultural crops under poplar and fruit crop in north western zone of Punjab, India.

S Rani, A Rajasekaran, D K Benbi, S K Chauhan

Abstract :

 A field experiment was conducted during 2012–14 at farmer’s field at Chabal village, Taran Taran district of Punjab state, India. Results of the study revealed that performance (plant height, no of grains per ear, seed and straw yield) of agricultural crops (wheat and toria) was better in open environment than in association with tree. The poplar growth parameters (tree height, diameter at east height, crown spread, crown height and tree volume) showed better performance under agroforestry system. Benefit–cost ratio of wheat under poplar (1.26 and 1.32), under hard pear (1.19 and 1.57), and in open environment (2.22 and 2.64) were recorded during period of study. The corresponding values under agroforestry (2.53) and agri–horticulture (oil+fruit crop, 1.74) were recorded after five years. Whereas, benefit–cost ratio of oil seed crop under hard pear was 0.21 and in open environment was 0.73. In comparison to all, agroforestry land use system under wheat and poplar is viable and more profitable.

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S Rani, A Rajasekaran, D K Benbi, S K Chauhan Cost Benefit Analysis and Yield Performance of Agricultural Crops Under Poplar and Fruit Crop in North Western Zone of Punjab, India. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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