Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Cosmological Model with Dark Energy and Dark Matter

R K Dubey, Pratima Ojha, Anil Saini

Abstract :

In this paper we have investigated the astronomical evidences for dark matter which come from the wide variety of astrophysical measurements, its detection, along with study of dark matter. Also in this paper we have suggest that the eventual gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter of nature of dark matter and dark energy if there is gravitational repulsion, virtual particle–antiparticle pairs in the vacuum , may be considered also we investigated the dark matter and dark–energy are not new, unknown forms of matter energy but an effect of complex interaction between the quantum vacuum and known baryonic matter.  

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R K Dubey, Pratima Ojha, Anil Saini Cosmological Model with Dark Energy and Dark Matter International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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