Volume : II, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Corruption In India: Causes And Remedies

S. Prabhu

Abstract :

Corruption became a part of our administrative and political culture. Our sixty six years of existence as an Independent nation and sixty three years of working of the constitution have resulted a common experience to all Indian citizens, one cannot go to any public organization or offices today and get the services which they are supposed to get without either paying ibe or inging influence by way of recommendations or references from VIPs. Corruption has affected our total political, administrative, economic system like a cancer disease. Despite having reforms to curtail and control bureaucratic discretion, licence raj, open the economy to the rest of the world, improve the transparency and accountability, corruption has scaled up even further. Corruption is a major serious problem country facing today. Highly corrupt India is poorly governed may be the main reason for rampant and widespread corruption in India

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S. Prabhu / Corruption In India: Causes And Remedies / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.11 November 2013

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