Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

Correlation between the Central Corneal Thickness and Glaucoma among Sudanese Patients

Yasser Seddeg Abdulghani, Tahir Osman Ali

Abstract :

 Objectives: To determine the mean central corneal thickness (CCT) in adult glaucomatous and Sudanese patients and to compare them with normal subjects and to evaluate its association with the type of glaucoma and glaucoma severity. Methods: This was a cross sectional study, conducted at Khartoum ophthalmic clinics. It included one hundred subjects, divided into 2 groups: 50 patients with glaucoma, and 50 normal subject as control group. They were examined using the available tools for ophthalmic examination, the central corneal thickness was measured by ultrasonic pachymetry and the intra ocular pressure was measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry. Results: The mean CCT in the normal subjects was (538.2±32.1µm) and in the glaucomatous patients was (510.8±32.4 µmw) with a (p=0.01). The mean CCT in open angle subjects was (508.9±29.0µm) being the thinnest, followed by narrow angles (516±148.1µm) then closed angle glaucomatous patients (510.8±32.4µm)(p=0.05) .There was no correlation between mean CCT and the stages of glaucoma severity (P=0.7). Conclusion: CCT of Sudanese glaucomatous patients was found to be thinner than in normal subjects. The mean CCT being the thinnest in open angle glaucomatous patients followed by narrow angle then closed angle patients. There is no correlation between mean CCT and the stage of glaucoma severity.

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Yasser Seddeg Abdulghani, Tahir Osman Ali Correlation between the Central Corneal Thickness and Glaucoma among Sudanese Patients International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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