Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Correlation between Spirometric staging of COPD based on post bronchodilator FEV1, BMI and objective assessment of exercise intolerance by 6 minutes walk test.

Dr Pankaj Gholap, Dr Somenath Kundu, Dr. Pranay Gandhi

Abstract :

 FEV1, BMI and objective assessment of exercise intolerance have proved useful in predicting outcome in cases of COPD. Aims and objectives: To study correlation between Spirometric staging of COPD based on post onchodilator FEV1, BMI and objective assessment of exercise intolerance by 6 minutes walk test. Observation and results: 31 (65.95%) of the patients had a BMI between 15–20.99 Kg/m2. 5 (10.63%) of the patients had BMI below 15. 2 (2.12%) of the patients had BMI more than 25. The mean BMI of the patients included in the study was 19.24 Kg/m2. 17 (36.17%) of patients had a BMI below 18.5 Kg/m2. 21 (44.68%) of the patients included in the study were found to be spirometric stage III COPD. 12 cases (25.53%) were in stage II and 14 cases (29.78%) in stage IV. Most of the patients included in the study [29 (61.70%)] walked a distance between 301–400 metres. Conclusion: BMI and 6MWT are inversely related to the spirometric staging

Keywords :

spirometry   COPD  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Pankaj Gholap, Dr Somenath Kundu, Dr. Pranay Gandhi Correlation between Spirometric staging of COPD based on post bronchodilator FEV1, BMI and objective assessment of exercise intolerance by 6 minutes walk test. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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