Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Corporate Governance: Some Issues

Dr. B. Vijaya, Arunkumar. B

Abstract :

Good corporate governance in the changing business environment has emerged as powerful tool of competitiveness and sustainability. It is very important at this point and it needs corporation for one and all i.e. from CEO of company to the ordinary staff for the maximization of the stakeholders’ value and also for maximization of pleasure and minimization of pain for the long term business. Global competitions in the market need best planning, management, innovative ideas, compliance with laws, good relation between directors, shareholders, employees and customers of companies, value based corporate governance in order to grow, prosper and compete in international markets by strengthen their strength overcoming their weaknesses and running them effectively and efficiently in an efficient and transparent manner by adopting the best practices. The present paper explore the history and need of Corporate Governance, Role of Law in Corporate Governance and the Corporate Governance in India Past, Present and future have been discussed.

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Dr. B.Vijaya, Arunkumar. B Corporate Governance: Some Issues International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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