Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Cordic Design For Circular and Linear Coordinate System

Femina P T

Abstract :

In this paper we presents CORDIC circuit for circular and linear coordinate system with minimum area and power. CORDIC stands for coordinate rotation digital computer. Rotation of vectors through fixed and known angles has many applications in robotics, digital signal processing, graphics, games, and animation. We have seen the optimization schemes and CORDIC circuits for fixed and known rotations with different levels of accuracy. In this paper we are modifying the CORDIC circuit to reduce area and power if speed is not considered. We are also introducing angle mapping technique. Also instead of using simple adders we use carry select adders. CORDIC sine/cosine generators can be used in satellite data processing systems. Rotation of vectors through a fixed and known angle has wide applications in robotics, graphics, games, and animation. we use the Language, Verilog HDL in the Platform, Xilinx FPGA and Xilinx ISE 14.2 as the tool so that the proposed designs offer higher throughput, less latency and less area–delay product than the reference CORDIC design for fixed and known angles of rotation

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Femina P T Cordic Design For Circular and Linear Coordinate System International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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